
2025 Artist Markets Sign Up

2025 Artist Markets Sign Up

One of our talented artists, WHIM. They are have a great array of unique and clever art, trays, jewelry, and more. You can check out their work at onawhim.com.

Locally Grown, Locally Owned

Locally Grown, Locally Owned

Pharmhouse Wellness is the only cannabis dispensary in Grand Rapids, MI, that is 100% locally owned AND grows their own cannabis on-site.

2023 Holiday Gift Guide

2023 Holiday Gift Guide

It’s that holiday season again. A time for giving and showing appreciation for the ones we love most in our lives. Gift giving is always fun, to see your loved one’s expression as they open presents in anticipation. The excitement in seeing their reactions is always...

2023 Movie Nights

2023 Movie Nights

Everyone enjoys a wonderful evening outside cozying up to a fire. While we can't set-up a giant bonfire for safety reasons, we think the same could be said about a good movie. So that's what we decided to do! Right in front of the shop we setup up a cozy tent setting...

2023 Yoga On The Lawn

2023 Yoga On The Lawn

Summer is a great time to get outdoors and enjoy the fresh air. As lovers of the great plant marijuana, it's sometimes hard to find a space outdoors without facing judgement from society. It can also be hard to smoke at home or in an apartment depending on your...

2023 Neighborhood Trash Clean-up

2023 Neighborhood Trash Clean-up

(If you ask us) Westside GR is the greatest neighborhood to reside in! Pharmhouse Wellness really cares about the neighborhood we reside in. So every year throughout the summer, we make sure to take the time and check out are neighboring streets to clean-up trash....

2023 Artist Markets

2023 Artist Markets

One of our talented artists, WHIM. They are have a great array of unique and clever art, trays, jewelry, and more. You can check out their work at onawhim.com.

Six Ways Cannabis Helps Athletes

Six Ways Cannabis Helps Athletes

Whether you’re a weekend warrior, an athlete that competes for a spot on the podium, or someone new to running, cycling, or another sport, cannabis is worth exploring.  You might be surprised how many athletes, especially those who engage in long-distance races...

PTSD and Cannabis

PTSD and Cannabis

It’s a fact—trauma is all around us. Maybe it’s always been the case, but the 24-hour news cycle lives in the palm of our hands, making it seem even more relevant and real.  With trauma comes Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD, and we want to explore how...

All About 420

All About 420

If you’re new to weed or even consider yourself an expert you might not know the details about the high holiday of 4/20. We’ve got the dope on the special number so you’ll be in the know. A Few Not-True Things About 420 Have you ever heard these things about 420? Bob...

Cannabis for Pain

Cannabis for Pain

Pain happens to everyone at any given point in life, regardless of age, fitness level, or health status. When doing something new, different, or repeatedly, we’re subject to pain. Pain also can come after a medical procedure or an accident. Regardless of how pain...

Cannabis and Anxiety

Cannabis and Anxiety

If you know anything about cannabis, you’ve probably heard about or experienced the relaxation that ingesting the plant provides. It’s one of the aspects of cannabis that most people are drawn to and appreciate. Cannabis may also help those who suffer from anxiety,...