Cannabis and Outdoor Adventuring

The hot summer sun, majestic fall colors, glistening winter snow, and the rebirth of spring give us SO much opportunity to enjoy outdoor adventuring with cannabis. There’s nothing like getting outside and moving your body with a nice clean high. Since you’ll be in a different environment, the rule to follow is “start low, go slow” with any type of consumption. We believe outdoor adventuring is more pleasurable with cannabis, but getting too high could make you the main character in a cautionary tale.  

You don’t need to be in perfect shape or put in a lot of effort to appreciate cannabis in the great outdoors. 

You can go for a stoned stroll outside and will now see things from a different point of view. The songs of the birds and crickets chirping at dusk are more vivid under the influence. Weed brings you out of your routine thoughts and eases you into a more expansive awareness of your surroundings.

When it comes to cannabis and outdoor adventuring, consider microdosing throughout your time outdoors. Even experienced cannaseurs should be cautious when doing physical activities while high. While cannabis brings you fully into the moment and heightens your senses, it also has a few aspects you need to be aware of. 

Marijuana affects the areas of the brain that control your body’s movements, balance, coordination, memory and judgment. So it might be best to play it safe first and hike on familiar trails before attempting a new adventure. 

This is why starting low and going slow is so important, which means starting with a low dose of a cannabis edible— 2.5 to 5 mg of THC.and waiting 90 to 120 minutes after ingesting them to see how you feel. Especially if you are a novice to edibles, pay attention to how many mg are in what you are eating. Dosing is critical for having a great experience. 

If you are smoking cannabis, make sure you know the THC percentage, take a hit and then gauge how you feel before taking another. Your reaction time, ability to make decisions, and perception can be compromised while under the influence of cannabis. So make sure you can fully enjoy it safely.

With that being said, here are some fun outdoor activities that you can take next level with some weed!

  • Camping
  • Hiking
  • Water sports like kayaking, paddle boarding, canoeing, or tubing
  • Golf and disc golf
  • Cycling, mountain biking, or fat tire biking
  • Swimming
  • Caving 
  • Running
  • Snowshoeing or skiing 
  • Fishing
  • Pond Hockey
  • Wildlife viewing or bird watching
  • Outdoor yoga and meditation

Know the Laws for Consumption Outdoors

There are so many positives to enjoying cannabis outside, but there is also an enormous negative— is illegal to consume cannabis in public.

Michigan law states that you may only use cannabis in private. This means you can only consume on your property, or a property where you have permission to consume, at a licensed consumption establishment, or a temporary licensed marijuana event. 

We do have a few federally governed parks and forests in Michigan, and, as we know, cannabis is not federally legal yet. So whether you are on federal or state-governed land, it’s wise to be careful where you consume. 

These are some of Michigan’s federal properties where extra caution is suggested.

  • Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore
  • Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore
  • Isle Royal National Park
  • River Raisin National Battlefield Park
  • Keweenaw National Historical Park
  • Huron-Manistee National Forest
  • Hiawatha National Forest
  • Ottawa National Forest

Consumption in a vehicle is also forbidden. You could also face arrest if an officer suspects you are driving to or leaving an outdoor adventure under the influence of marijuana. In addition, they may issue a civil infraction (ticket) if you are found consuming in public or driving under the influence. Those tickets are a maximum of $100 in court costs and a required $40 to the state. However, it could be more severe and expensive than that when it comes to driving, so please don’t risk it.

Safety and Etiquette for Outdoors Cannabis Consumption

Safety and etiquette are vital to having a great experience, so be sure to practice both when you’re frolicking outdoors.

  • Be respectful of others. Not everybody likes the smell of weed like not everybody likes the smell of cigarettes. Everyone has the right to enjoy the great outdoors, so please be courteous and aware of who is around you if you light up, which is especially important where children are present. As we continue to work on removing the stigma attached to cannabis, we must be respectful consumers.
  • Leave no weed behind. Throwing a roach on the ground is littering. Plain and simple. A cigarette butt on the ground is littering, and cannabis roaches are no different. Bring a baggie with you or have somewhere to put leftover cannabis so you can take home what you brought out. Please keep our beautiful state clean.
  • Use extreme caution with heat and fire. We have some very long dry spells in the summer months, so you must be careful when extinguishing anything you have lit. A fire would devastate our ecosystem, so ensure those joints and campfires are completely out when you are done.
  • Stay hydrated. Cannabis does dehydrate you, which can be problematic on a more extended adventure. It’s a good rule of thumb always to bring more water than you think you’ll need. God forbid you get turned around on a hike, and you’re GPS won’t work. You’ll need extra water to keep your mind sharp and figure your way back home. Those camel baks are just about the most incredible water delivery system you can ever wear!
  • Plan your route ahead of time. It’s fun just to take off and go into the woods, but it can also be dangerous. Some trails are well marked and have park rangers hiking about, but planning your route beforehand is a smart move. Not all trails are apparent and easy to navigate. Pay close attention to landmarks along the way and track your mileage. It may sound silly now, but if you are high and lost, you’ll be sorry you didn’t prepare.
  • If you’re in a boat, wear your lifejacket and if you’re swimming in one of Michigan’s great lakes, heed the caution flags and only enter the water when it is safe.

When you experience nature with cannabis, you’ll enjoy a bit of mental health therapy that won’t cost you a thing—other than the cannabis! Outdoor adventures with cannabis are just another way this magical plant is truly medicinal. Getting out in nature lowers blood pressure, strengthens the muscles, gets the heart pumping, calms the central nervous system and clears the mind of negativity. As cannabis enhances your outdoor experience, it also improves all the physical, mental and emotional benefits that accompany it. So get out there and enjoy!

PRO TIP: The most popular delivery systems for outdoor activities are joints, edibles, vapes, and tinctures. Here are a few suggestions for smoking accessories for outdoor fun and we especially love the packable ashtray!

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