2023 Artist Markets

Our Artist Markets are the busiest and largest events that Pharmhouse Wellness hosts throughout the summer. This event is crucial to supporting artists and providing a safe space for cannabis lovers to relax outdoors without judgement. Local businesses give customers the chance to speak directly and ask questions to get honest answers right on the spot. Each market gives the artists a chance to meet with their community to showcase their talents. The market is free to participate by members of the community. The only requirements are to bring they’re own equipment and displays and to notify if they need to cancel. This gives both seasoned and starting creators a chance to connect with their fellow makers as well.

Check out photos of the Artist Markets from 2023 below. If you would like to participate in future Markets, stay tuned-in to our Instagram pages to stay up to date.  


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Locally Grown, Locally Owned

Locally Grown, Locally Owned

Pharmhouse Wellness is the only cannabis dispensary in Grand Rapids, MI, that is 100% locally owned AND grows their own cannabis on-site.

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